
Saturday, June 09, 2007

About feelings

1. Are feeling emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy , sad, etc...?

I think, yes, it is. There are a lot of feeling emotions and facial expresstions, and those are various. Though it is various, feeling emotions and facial expresstions are human's feeling sign, so if the way to express is defferent, we can understand, I think.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. (10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

うれしい(happy) 幸せ(happiness) どきどき(excited) 悲しい(sad) 悔しい(disappointed)
驚く(surprised) 怖い(scary) すごい(great) すばらしい(wonderful) きれい(beautiful)
退屈(bored) 気持ちのよい(comfortable) いらいらする(annoy) 忙しい(busy) 混乱する(confused)

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
Yes, it is. I feel that some feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English.


Blogger yellow dress said...

Wow!! "趣" is a very nice word unique to our country!! I think this word seems to come from the four seasons of Japan. We feel "しみじみ" feeling when we saw and feel the cycle of the seasons.

1:27 AM  
Blogger Marimo said...

Huh!! 趣 is a peculiar word to Japanese and I like the meaning.

8:11 AM  
Blogger ☆Shooting-Star★ said...

yes.I agree with you.趣 is hard to translate and even in Japanese,I may feel difficult to explain it clearly because it has sooooo many deep meaning include Japanese culture.

9:34 AM  

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