
Sunday, May 13, 2007

About greeting

I felt neagtive about Islam, but this time I changed my opinion about Islam. Bad news about Islam are always told us, but the news is just a part of Islam. I hardly knew about Islam. I want to learn about Ialam, and I'd like to understand Islam.

About greeting
1. I greet people like these "Ohayou", and "Ohayougozaimasu". It is different for different people, because it is important to pay one's respects to elders. When I greet people who are my friends and familiar people, I say "Ohayou". On the other hand, when I greet people who are elders, I say "Ohayougazaimasu". I think that the way to greet are different by relationship between the other and I.
2.I sometime touch people, and sometime don't touch when I talk to. When I talk to friendly people, I touch them, because I think that to touch people is sign of friends. I can't touch people who don't know or aren't friendly.


Blogger HJU Teacher said...

Great comments! I am happy to see that you changed your opinion about Islam by meeting Kathy. Also your greetings comments are very good.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Rolf said...

Do you touch your friends who are boys? I don't often see men and women touch in Japan, so I am wondering if this is not acceptable.

9:50 PM  
Blogger sunny said...

Hi! Samantha. why do not touch poeple you don't know? Is it rudeness? I don't touch elder person who I don't know, but I touch younger person who I don't know. It depends on situation, but I touch them. I think touching action is one of communication, don't you think?

1:34 AM  

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