
Friday, July 06, 2007

Family Life

a. When do children usually leave home?
I think that a lot of children usually leave home when they go to university where are far from thier home. Or when children want to do something in big cities, they leave home.

b. How many people live in your home?
There are four people, my father, my mother, my older brother, and me.

c. Do you have a head of the family?
Yes, I do. I think that my father is a head of my family.

d. Who does the housework?
I think that my mother does almost all housework. When I was a little, my mother did all housework. However recently I also do housework, and sometimes my father does housework.

e. Who runs the family?
My fahter runs my family, but I think that both my mother and my older brother also help to run my family.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in.
My house has five rooms, and three of them are used to sleep in.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Names and Addresses

1. How do you choose a child's given name in you family?
I think that my mother and my father chose names that they felt great for my brother and me. I don' t know how my parents chose our names, but they wonld think about number of characters, "kakusu", and suiting to our family's name. My name was named by my mother. She chose my name from her favorite novel's heroine. So I will choose my children's names that I feel great.

3.Does you given name or your family name mean anything?
I don't know what mean our family's name, but my given name means that my parens hope that I grow up gentle and beautiful woman.

7.How do you know if names are boy's name, girl's name, or both?
In Japan, there are a lot of characters, "kanzi". And lots of "kanzi" are given for boys, and lots of "kanzi" are given for girls. I feel that "kanzi" which are given for girls and boys are different. In addition, names of girls and boys are different. However sometimes the same name and "kanzi" are given for girls and boys. That time, I may not be able to judge girl or boy.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

About feelings

1. Are feeling emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy , sad, etc...?

I think, yes, it is. There are a lot of feeling emotions and facial expresstions, and those are various. Though it is various, feeling emotions and facial expresstions are human's feeling sign, so if the way to express is defferent, we can understand, I think.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. (10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

うれしい(happy) 幸せ(happiness) どきどき(excited) 悲しい(sad) 悔しい(disappointed)
驚く(surprised) 怖い(scary) すごい(great) すばらしい(wonderful) きれい(beautiful)
退屈(bored) 気持ちのよい(comfortable) いらいらする(annoy) 忙しい(busy) 混乱する(confused)

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
Yes, it is. I feel that some feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

About greeting

I felt neagtive about Islam, but this time I changed my opinion about Islam. Bad news about Islam are always told us, but the news is just a part of Islam. I hardly knew about Islam. I want to learn about Ialam, and I'd like to understand Islam.

About greeting
1. I greet people like these "Ohayou", and "Ohayougozaimasu". It is different for different people, because it is important to pay one's respects to elders. When I greet people who are my friends and familiar people, I say "Ohayou". On the other hand, when I greet people who are elders, I say "Ohayougazaimasu". I think that the way to greet are different by relationship between the other and I.
2.I sometime touch people, and sometime don't touch when I talk to. When I talk to friendly people, I touch them, because I think that to touch people is sign of friends. I can't touch people who don't know or aren't friendly.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

About Islam

I read Yomiuri newspapare on April 30th, and there was article about Islam on page 4. The article told us that there was a terrorism of bomb of car in Iraq. That naight, one group of Islam planted a bomb on a car, and the bomb exploded. Because of the explosion, at least sixty persons were killed. And then, about 170 persons were injured. The explosion happened at 7 p.m near checkpoint. It was thought that the other group aimed one group which went to worship at sunset. Moreover there had been a terrorism of bomb on the same month, and about 40 persons had killed.
I felt negative about Islam because there are a lot of terrorism, and lots of people who are unrelated to terrorisms are killed.

List of adjective
injured, unrelated, negative.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Effect of Buddhism

I think that I am affected by Buddhism to a lot of things. For example, I say "Itadakimasu", "Arigato", and "Gochisousama" These words come from Buddhism. "Itadakimasu" and " Gochisousama" are difficult to translate into English, but we can translate "Arigato" into English, "Thank you". However It seems that "Arigato" is not equal to "Thank you" truly. "Arigato" means that I could experience things that hardly happened, so too good, and appreciating to that. In fact, both "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisousama" also mean to appreciate. Threfore I say "Itadakimasu", "Arigato", and " Gochisousama" to appreciate people and foods.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

this is a cross culture situation

You know, there was a incident of gun in America on April 16th. The incident happened at unversity of Virginia. The criminal was a student of the university, and he was a Korian boy. He killed about 32 people with guns. The article say that he is a quiet and very unsociable boy. Then, the article tell that there were some paper of slander for him and he seemed that he was somtime cursed by other students. However what he did criminal act was never justified.
The reason why I think this is a cross cuture situation is that there is hardly a incident of gun in Japan. And, Japan has gun control law, so Japanese are prohibited to take a gun. However when the incidet happened at Virginia, the incidet of gun happened in Japan. Though we Japanese have a gun control law, sad to say there is a few incidents of gun. I am so sad that that things happen.
I red yomiuri newspaper, April 18th, the article was written first page.